
Is it worth it to fix an iPhone screen?



Accidents happen, and sometimes your beloved iPhone can end up with a cracked or broken screen. It’s a frustrating situation, especially when you rely on your iPhone for so many aspects of your life. But is it worth it to fix an iPhone screen? In this article, we’ll explore the benefits of fixing your iPhone screen and whether it’s worth the cost.

Table of Contents

  • The benefits of fixing your iPhone screen
  • The cost of fixing an iPhone screen
  • Factors to consider
  • Should you fix your iPhone screen?
  • FAQs
  • Conclusion

The benefits of fixing your iPhone screen

When your iPhone screen is cracked or broken, it can significantly impact your ability to use your phone effectively. However, there are several benefits to fixing your iPhone screen:

1. Restoring functionality

Fixing your iPhone screen allows you to restore full functionality to your device. With a new screen, you won’t have to struggle with unresponsive touch controls or navigate around cracks and shattered glass. Your iPhone will be as good as new, allowing you to use it without any limitations.

2. Enhancing user experience

A cracked or broken screen can hinder your user experience. It can be difficult to read text, view images, or watch videos with a damaged screen. By fixing your iPhone screen, you’ll be able to enjoy a clear and vibrant display, enhancing your overall user experience.

3. Maintaining resale value

If you plan on selling or trading in your iPhone in the future, fixing the screen is essential. A cracked or broken screen significantly reduces the resale value of your device. By investing in a screen repair, you can maintain a higher resale value and potentially get more money for your iPhone when the time comes.

4. Preventing further damage

A cracked or broken screen can leave your iPhone vulnerable to further damage. The cracks can worsen over time, leading to more significant issues with the internal components of your device. By fixing your iPhone screen promptly, you can prevent further damage and potentially save yourself from costly repairs down the line.

The cost of fixing an iPhone screen

The cost of fixing an iPhone screen can vary depending on several factors, including the model of your iPhone and the extent of the damage. Generally, the cost of screen repair or replacement can range from $100 to $300.

It’s important to note that getting your iPhone screen fixed by an authorized service provider or Apple directly can be more expensive compared to third-party repair shops. However, opting for an authorized repair ensures that you receive genuine parts and professional service.

Factors to consider

Before deciding whether to fix your iPhone screen, there are a few factors to consider:

1. Warranty status

If your iPhone is still under warranty, it’s worth checking whether the screen repair is covered. Apple’s limited warranty typically covers manufacturing defects but does not include accidental damage. However, if you purchased AppleCare+ for your iPhone, it may cover accidental damage, including screen repair, for an additional fee.

2. Age of the device

The age of your iPhone is another factor to consider. If you have an older model that is nearing the end of its lifespan, it may not be worth investing in a screen repair. In such cases, it might be more cost-effective to upgrade to a new iPhone instead.

3. Personal preference

Ultimately, the decision to fix your iPhone screen comes down to personal preference. If the cracked screen is bothering you and affecting your user experience, it’s worth considering getting it fixed. However, if you can live with the damage and it doesn’t impact your daily use, you may choose to hold off on the repair.

Should you fix your iPhone screen?

Deciding whether to fix your iPhone screen is a personal choice that depends on your individual circumstances. Here are a few key takeaways to help you make an informed decision:

  • Fixing your iPhone screen restores functionality and enhances user experience.
  • Repairing the screen can maintain the resale value of your iPhone.
  • A cracked screen can lead to further damage if left unrepaired.
  • The cost of fixing an iPhone screen can range from $100 to $300.
  • Consider warranty status, age of the device, and personal preference before making a decision.


1. Can I fix my iPhone screen myself?

While it is possible to fix your iPhone screen yourself with a DIY kit, it is generally not recommended unless you have prior experience with electronics repair. DIY repairs can be challenging and may result in further damage to your device. It’s best to leave the repair to professionals.

2. How long does it take to fix an iPhone screen?

The time it takes to fix an iPhone screen can vary depending on the repair shop and the availability of parts. In general, most screen repairs can be completed within a few hours or the same day. However, it’s always a good idea to check with the repair shop for an estimated turnaround time.

3. Can I sell my iPhone with a cracked screen?

Yes, you can sell your iPhone with a cracked screen. However, keep in mind that the resale value will be significantly lower compared to a device with an intact screen. If you’re planning to sell your iPhone, it’s advisable to get the screen fixed beforehand to maximize its value.


In conclusion, fixing an iPhone screen is worth it for most people. It restores functionality, enhances user experience, maintains resale value, and prevents further damage. While the cost of repair can vary, it’s a worthwhile investment to ensure the longevity and usability of your iPhone. Consider the factors mentioned, such as warranty status, age of the device, and personal preference, to make an informed decision. Remember, a repaired iPhone screen will bring back the joy of using your device without any limitations.

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