
Is it cheaper to fix your own phone screen?



Accidents happen. You drop your phone, and suddenly, your screen is cracked. Now you’re faced with a decision: should you attempt to fix it yourself or take it to a professional? While fixing your own phone screen may seem like a cost-effective solution, it’s important to consider the potential risks and challenges involved. In this article, we’ll explore whether it’s truly cheaper to fix your own phone screen or if seeking professional help is a better option.

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • DIY Phone Screen Repair
  • Professional Phone Screen Repair
  • Comparing Costs
  • Key Takeaways
  • FAQs
  • Conclusion

DIY Phone Screen Repair

Fixing your own phone screen may initially seem like a cost-saving option. After all, you can find countless tutorials and DIY kits online that promise to make the process easy. However, it’s important to consider the following factors:

1. Expertise and Skill

Repairing a phone screen requires technical knowledge and skill. It involves delicate procedures such as removing the broken screen, disconnecting various components, and carefully installing a new screen. If you don’t have experience with electronics or phone repairs, you may risk further damaging your device.

2. Tools and Equipment

Repairing a phone screen requires specialized tools and equipment. DIY kits often provide the necessary tools, but they may not be of the same quality as those used by professionals. Using subpar tools can make the repair process more challenging and potentially lead to mistakes.

3. Time and Patience

Fixing a phone screen is a time-consuming process. It requires patience, attention to detail, and the ability to follow complex instructions. If you’re not comfortable spending several hours troubleshooting and repairing your phone, it may be more efficient to seek professional help.

Professional Phone Screen Repair

While professional phone screen repair may seem more expensive upfront, there are several advantages to consider:

1. Expertise and Experience

Professional repair technicians have the expertise and experience to fix phone screens efficiently and effectively. They are familiar with various phone models and have the necessary skills to handle complex repairs. By entrusting your phone to a professional, you can have peace of mind knowing that it’s in capable hands.

2. Quality Parts and Warranty

Professional repair services use high-quality replacement parts that are often sourced directly from the manufacturer. This ensures that your phone’s screen will function properly and last longer. Additionally, many professional repairs come with a warranty, providing added protection and reassurance.

3. Time and Convenience

Taking your phone to a professional repair shop saves you time and effort. Instead of spending hours researching and troubleshooting, you can simply drop off your phone and have it repaired by experts. This convenience can be especially valuable if you rely on your phone for work or personal use.

Comparing Costs

Now let’s compare the costs of fixing your own phone screen versus seeking professional help:

DIY Phone Screen Repair Costs

  • DIY kit: $20-$50
  • Tools and equipment: $10-$30
  • Potential additional costs if mistakes are made or further damage occurs

Professional Phone Screen Repair Costs

  • Screen replacement: $100-$300 (depending on the model and type of phone)
  • Quality parts and warranty included

While the initial cost of a DIY repair may seem cheaper, it’s important to consider the potential risks and additional costs involved. If you make a mistake or cause further damage, you may end up spending more money in the long run. Additionally, professional repairs often come with a warranty, providing added value and peace of mind.

Key Takeaways

  • Fixing your own phone screen may initially seem cheaper, but it comes with risks and challenges.
  • DIY repairs require technical knowledge, specialized tools, and time.
  • Professional repairs offer expertise, quality parts, and convenience.
  • Comparing costs, DIY repairs may have lower upfront costs, but mistakes can lead to additional expenses.
  • Professional repairs often come with warranties, providing added value and peace of mind.


1. Can I fix my own phone screen without any prior experience?

While it’s technically possible to fix your own phone screen without prior experience, it’s not recommended. Phone repairs require technical knowledge and skill, and mistakes can lead to further damage or even render your device unusable. It’s best to leave it to the professionals.

2. Do professional repairs use genuine replacement parts?

Reputable professional repair services often use genuine replacement parts sourced directly from the manufacturer. This ensures that your phone’s screen will function properly and maintain its quality.

3. How long does professional phone screen repair take?

The time it takes to repair a phone screen professionally can vary depending on the model and the availability of replacement parts. In general, it can take anywhere from 30 minutes to a few hours.


When it comes to fixing your phone screen, it’s important to weigh the pros and cons of DIY repairs versus professional help. While fixing your own phone screen may seem like a cost-effective option, it can come with risks and challenges that may end up costing you more in the long run. By seeking professional help, you can benefit from the expertise, quality parts, and convenience that professional repair services offer. Ultimately, the choice is yours, but it’s worth considering all factors before making a decision.

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